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Father Walsh
出生地United States
87 years
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Venessa Vega my advisor, my father, my best friend Love him November 14, 2012
I known father john since I was a little girl, was his first alter girl at Newman Hall, even after he left and went to the rectury off of Yoakum by St Thomas Univ. I'd still pay him a visit by then I had my own car Love taking him to his fav restaurant la mexicana i believe, miss him spending the holidays with me and my family :( He has and will always have a special place in my heart. LOVE HIM SO MUCH!!!He is one of those remarkable people who made a difference in the world especially me and my mother. Rest in Peace Te quiero mucho!
Former TMSL Student A Good Man August 28, 2008

My Condolences to those who never knew you.  You were a good man full of compassion.  Rest in Peace Dear Friend.

Myron Davis Inspiration to TMSL August 15, 2008
Father John was a great inspiration to us all at Thurgood Marshall School of Law. He always had a smile and offered kind words of encouragement whenever we saw him. Warm heartfelt wishes go out to Father John's family. He touched the lives of many.
Alaina Benford Former Thurgood law student August 14, 2008

Father John was a blessing to me and many others who matriculated through Thurgood Marshall School of Law at Texas Southern University.  I often had lunch at Newman Hall. I will always remember Father John's graciousness and warmth.

Joyce Diaz Logue (Snelling) Father John Walsh Family July 13, 2008
Father John made a difference in so many lives while he was here on this earth, it seems Our Father needed him in Heaven. I am quite certain that our beloved Father John is still benefitting the Kingdom by encouraging others, joking, and laughing. I will always miss him. 
Loretta McCarthy To All of Father John's Families July 9, 2008
Father John's spirit is alive in all our hearts and minds. Remember, he's still with all of us all the time. He's the Guardian Angel throwing pennies from heaven. So, when you see a penny on the ground, pick it up, save it,  and know Father John threw it to you to say hello, that he's happy, and watching over all of us.
Hernandez Family (LA) Condolences July 7, 2008
During this most difficult of times, my family sends out to your family the best wishes, deepest thoughts and prayers. Father John will surely be missed.
Kurosh Mahtabfar & Family Condolences July 7, 2008
You are in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. Father John will be greatly missed.
Hernandez Cabezas Family To The Family of Father John July 6, 2008
From our house we send to your family the most sincere condolences. Father John will be truly missed in our lives.
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