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Father Walsh
生于 United States
87 years
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Glenda Turner
Father John, I met you at St. Momica in New Orleans and you were a great inspiration to me. Heaven has a loving and kind Angel.
Leticia Soliz
I didn't get a chance to meet you, but I heard you were a wonderful person and priest. May you rest in Peace.
Jesse G.
I remember my aunts and uncle taking me to mass at the Newman Center while you were there. You were a great man. God bless you.
Happy Birthday Fr. John! I miss your presence in my house. Thank you for visiting. I love you!
Father John! I miss you terribly! Thank you for walkting with me; I feel your presence everyday! Happy Birthday to you! :)
Melissa Eiler
Happy Birthday Father John. May God forever Bless You & yours.
Mom to Angel Melissa Platt
I light this candle in memory of Father Walsh, God Bless you..
Melissa Eiler (Visitor)
Thinking of you Angel on your Angel Date today. May God forever Bless You & yours.
Edwina ~ Troy Mitchell's Mum.
Sending birthday hugs to you Father John. Wishing your family and friends a gentle day filled with beautiful memories of you.
John and Mimi
Fr. John, John and I will greatly miss you and we appreciate your love for us and all the wonderful memories. Thank you Father!
Former TMSL Student
My Condolences to those who never knew you. You were a good man full of compassion. Rest in Peace Dear Friend.
Jacob, Moses & Adelina Monty
Thank you Father for always inviting us to mass even though we were not very quiet. Also thanks for baptizing us.
Joyce Smith
Father John, thank you for being born and living the life that you did. I will always remeber you in my heart and hope to meet you agai
Patricia Chew
Fr. John, Thank you for taking such good care of us. You will remain in our hearts forever.
David Youngblood
In the whole wide world,throughout time and space, we were blessed to have been given you! There must be a God!
Fernando & Babe Grajales
A candle for a compassionate soul and a true chocoholic. Thank you for gracing our life. The Grajales, Fernando & Babe
David, Pamela & Shelby Haley
Father John, you will always have a very special place in our hearts. Your wit and wisdom will be sorely missed. We love you.
Sr Agnes Joy, MM
Faith is the bird that feels the light and sings when the dawn is still dark. (Rabindranath Tagore 1861-1901
Joyce Diaz Logue (Snelling)
Father John, you left all too soon and took a big chunk of my heart. I will always love you.
Vega Family
Father John, thank you for being my friend and always being there when I needed you. I will truly miss you! Love, Kimberly Vega
Loretta McCarthy
You're the Guardian Angel,who's been throwing pennies from heaven to get my attention.I'm listening.Love you Fr.John!
Yuki and Mieko
Father John, thank you so much for being so kind and treating Yuki as he was your grand son. We will miss you very much.
Elsa Salinas-Patterson
Father John, I will miss you. You were my strength in Law School and afterwards. Thank you for your love and so many memories.
Sandra L. Martinez
Father John, You will be the greatest Guardina Angel TSU students could ever ask for! We love and miss you!
Jochy, Jenny & Jenevieve (LA)
Father John, forever in our hearts, thank u for the blessing of Jenevieve while she was in the womb. Forever the Mannheim Machine!
Bach Family
Father John, you personify the Holy Spirit in every way. Thank you for showing us His love, comforting, and guiding us! We LUV U!
Sunita and Kurosh
Father John, you will be greatly missed. Thank you for your selflessness and thoughtfulness. We love you and miss you.
Robledo Family
Father John, you have been our incredible Angel, thank you for the beautiful memories that we shared. We love you so very much and
Elyana and Pat
Father John, Elyana and I will miss you and your sense of humor. You will forever be in our hearts. Thank you. We luv U.
Hernandez Cabezas Family
Father John, we will truly miss you. You have provided so much wisdom and wonderful memories to us. Thank you. We love you.
Fr. Michael Grey, C.S. Sp.
The 1930’s needed sports heroes in an age when uprightness of character was supposed to matter in the face of seemingly impossible odds
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